In September 2012, Eric Reynolds underwent life-saving surgery at Salford Royal Hospital to remove a benign tumour from his brain. The surgery left him with some expected and life-long side-effects, including imbalance, hearing loss and facial weakness, but it also gave him the gift of more time with his family. They credit the 12 years he spent with them following the surgery to the amazing treatment from the team at the hospital.

“Eric came through major brain surgery more than a decade ago, but Ic566fba5-473d-4dd1-b977-4e6296f102f3.jpg remember it well”, said Scott Rutherford, Consultant Neurosurgeon at Salford Royal Hospital.

“As challenging as the surgery and Eric’s recovery was, his sheer determination allowed him to manage the effects and enjoy the remainder of his life.”

The surgery allowed him to remain fit enough to travel and have unforgettable life experiences with his wife, Fran, and gave him time to grow into his new role as a Grandad to Ellen, Ewan and Elsie.

He also enjoyed spending time with his son in law Brian, and in his last few years, he welcomed new daughter-in-laws Jill and Anna into his family.

Eric sadly passed away on 3 April 2024, leaving his family heartbroken.

6cc22f46-e390-4726-af96-10c92e1a77bb.jpgIn June 2023, the hospital saved the life of Eric’s son, Andrew, after he experienced a brain haemorrhage and a stroke. Eric spoke often about his amazing treatment, and he that knew Andrew was in safe hands.

“Dad was smart, kind and funny and left an impression on everyone he met”, said Andrew. “We are so grateful for the extra time the team at Salford Royal gave him, it means so much. Not only that, but they saved my life last year too.

“We owe everything to Salford Royal, and we’re fundraising because we know how worthy a cause this charity is.

“We are very proud to support Andrew and his family with their fundraising in Eric’s memory”, said Lisa Halden, Community Fundraising Officer. “Their donations will make a huge difference in allowing the team who cared for him to go above and beyond for patients in the future. This fundraiser is the perfect way to honour Eric’s legacy and be sure he is remembered for years to come.”


Eric’s family are raising funds in his memory on JustGiving. You can donate to their page here.