The Children's Unit at Royal Oldham Hospital cares for around 10,000 young individuals each year, including those with complex needs, learning disabilities, and mental health challenges.

The Unit includes wards, a high dependency unit, procedure rooms, an outdoor courtyard, an infant feeding room and a 'Sunshine Room' for children with complex needs or sadly, nearing the end of their lives.SUNSHINE white - Copy.png

The Sunshine Appeal aims to breathe new life into the Unit space, turning it into a vibrant and therapeutic sanctuary. This transformation will provide children with a comfortable environment for play, and a respite from the clinical setting of the hospital, becoming a ‘home from home’.

The estimated cost for the project is £150,000.

The Sunshine Room

IMG_7781.jpgThe Sunshine Room is a dedicated space on the Unit for children with complex needs and those reaching the end of their lives. Funds raised through the appeal will transform the space into a serene environment for children and their families by introducing alternative lighting, sound, textures, a wet room and specialised sensory equipment tailored to the emotional and physical needs of young patients like Alyaan.

There are also plans to create a 'family room' area that offers rest space and overnight accommodation for parents and siblings. This extra accommodation will comfort children in hospital and help them relax, knowing their family is close. The enhancement of this space into a more welcoming, homely area will significantly benefit families making cherished memories with their loved ones.

Ricky Barber, Children’s Unit Manager said, “In my experience as a Children’s Nurse, I have seen many children and young people with complex needs admitted into hospital. It can be a frightening time for them, and it can also disrupt their usual home routine.

"Creating a dedicated space tailored to their needs will provide them with sensory stimulation to help them feel calm during challenging times. Setting up the necessary resources in the room will enable us to provide routine care that mirrors their everyday home life.”

How you can support us

Make a difference to thousands of children’s lives by pledging your support today.  Whether you take on a challenge, fundraise for us or make a donation, we need your help to make this project a reality. Join us in building spaces echoing with joy and laughter, offering solace, hope and strength for these incredible children.